At BrightBooks, LLC, we offer all our services at a straightforward, flat hourly rate, simplifying budgeting and planning. You can customize our offerings to meet your needs or choose individual services à la carte.
With every service, you gain access to our dedicated team, including your personal seasoned bookkeeper and industry specialist, ensuring you receive expert support tailored to your business requirements.
You're in Good Hands with Industry Experts
Your team will include an industry expert consultant and bookkeeper. You’ll have consistent and professional contact for all of your business needs.
Extra time – allows you to focus your time on growing your business, knowing you have sound professionals working for you.
Easy to budget – our flat monthly fee arrangement allows you to budget your money and the level of service is customized to your needs.
100% tax compliant – We file all necessary forms for you, including sales, payroll tax returns, and 1099s.